Nominations Open for House Captains

Pupils in Year 6 should read the attached document carefully.
If you are in Year 6 and would like to be considered for House Captain, you can use the attached checklist to help you with your written application. You do not need to have evidence for every bullet point, and your evidence could just be how you’d show or do these things if elected. It will be important in the role that you can speak up, step up, have a go, think about the whole team, and be an excellent role model.
Role Description – Responsibilities of a House Captain
- Be an excellent role model to the members of your house and across the school by consistently following the school rules and demonstrating good behaviour for learning.
- Be accessible – do your members know who you are?
- Take a leading role in helping to organise events such as house sports teams.
- Take/help with house assemblies.
- Give brief speeches to motivate and praise your house members.
- Help maintain behaviour standards across the school: e.g., corridor duties.
- Attend school events as an ambassador e.g., school open day.
- Meet with senior teachers to monitor house points.
Deadline for written letters of application is midday on Tuesday 10th October. Letters should be addressed to the Executive Headteacher.