Children in Need 17 November

We're having a pyjama day!
Children in Need
We know it’s a lot to ask, having Remembrance, Anti-bullying week, and Children in Need all so close together. That’s why events like Odd Socks Day (Monday 13th) are optional, and we try (where we can) to ensure there’s no additional cost to you other than any donations you wish to make when charities are being supported.
This year, the Children in Need event in school has been requested by the school council. It’s something that they’ve been requesting for months and months!
We are not collecting cash – any donations you wish to make to Children in Need can be made via Parent Pay. 100% of that donation goes directly to the Children in Need funds.
Friday 17th November 2023 will be come to school in your pyjamas or onesie day!
Some notes:
- This is completely optional.
- Shoes and socks will be a must – no slippers for health and safety reasons.
- Outdoor coats will be a must – it might drizzle a bit at playtimes.
- Avoid wearing a dressing gown with a loose belt if possible – dressing gowns cannot be worn outside by children, teachers may need to ask them to be removed in classrooms.
- You can mix and match with any Pudsey gear you’ve purchased.
My child has PE on a Friday – what do we do?
2RB and 2S – as long as children have trainers on, their outdoor lessons can be adapted on that day so there’s no need to change.
Year 6 – this year group has indoor PE and the uniform for that is shorts and a T-shirt. This can be worn under their sleepwear and the outer layer removed when it’s time for gymnastics. (Your child’s class teacher can support with any variation on this – Year 6 pupils are at a key developmental stage and reasonable adjustments can be made).